Terms and Conditions for the "Exclusive Black Month Offer - Digital Riding Analysis" Promotion

  1. The organizer of the promotion is r3volutionD AG.
  2. Participants must be at least 18 years old and reside in the EU.
  3. The promotion runs from November 1, 2024, to November 30, 2024, inclusive.
  4. To participate, a r3vobanD must be purchased during the promotional period. Each purchase automatically entitles the buyer to participate.
  5. After the purchase, participants can select their preferred expert for the riding analysis: Helen Langehanenberg or Michael Dinkel. The selection is made by checking the corresponding box in the post-purchase email survey.
  6. Winners will be randomly selected and notified via email. It is therefore important that participants check their emails following the purchase.
  7. Winners must submit a riding video for the digital riding analysis. The video should ideally be no longer than 10 minutes and show high-quality footage of horse and rider.
  8. Winners will receive comprehensive feedback in two formats: a voice message from the chosen rider and a written document with detailed feedback and tips.
  9. There are two winners in this promotion.
  10. Employees of r3volutionD AG and their relatives are excluded from participation.
  11. The decision is final and not subject to legal appeal.

By participating in the promotion, participants agree to these terms. Privacy notices in accordance with GDPR are available on the r3vobanD website.

The r3vobanD team wishes you good luck!